Monday, September 7, 2009

First Day - Sept. 8, 2009

I have been planning all summer, but very heavily the last month for this day. I is hard to believe it is finally here. The summer went very quickly. But with the birth of our 4th child, Emma, in July, I can see why. Thankfully, God has enabled Emma to adjust quickly as she started sleeping through the night very early. This has helped us recover from the newborn chaos that typically befalls our home with each new child. Anyway, on paper I have everything set and ready for this week, but the anxiousness of the undertaking of homeschooling has set in and I don't really feel all that prepared. I am told that is typical though, so I'm sure within a few weeks I'll be fine.

We have a few new things to look forward to this year. First, we have a very detailed schedule to guide us through the day. I took my scheduling ideas from the Maxwell family at I have found the Managers of Their Homes book to be very helpful. Hopefully, we will have the discipline to stay on schedule. Second, the children have been assigned chores to do throughout the day. Some are as simple as getting dressed and brushing teeth, but others include sweeping and making their beds. The boys are pretty good at making their beds at age 3 and 5 already. Kayla gets some help with her chores but she likes to do what her brothers do and she likes to help Mommy. Plus, we figure the earlier we get them used to the idea of doing work around the house, the more likely they are to stick with it. We'll see though. Another new item is that I have a real curriculum for Timothy and Matthew. Timothy is using the Abeka K5 Kindergarten program, while Matthew is using the Alpha Omega Horizons preschool program. I have included some activity time for Kayla in our day as well. Finally, we will be attending a co-op on Mondays. Timothy and Matthew are in the same classes: Joyful Gym, Show and Tell, and Discovery Zone. Kayla and Emma will be in the Nursery probally with me. I am excited at the opportunity we have to fellowship with other Christian Families.

All and all, I am praying God really takes over this year and gives me that which I need to educate my children in His ways. I look forward to what this year will bring and expect to see a lot of growth and learning take place for all members of the family including my husband and myself. Hopefully, I will have the discipline to blog our happenings to save for future generations.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Journey Begins.

I've never really been one for keeping a journal. Though I have found it to be an admirable and worthy task, my laziness generally takes over and I abandon ship somewhere with in the opening weeks. However, this coming school year marks our first official year as homeschoolers. My oldest son is 5 and my husband and I have selected a "real" curriculum for him. We did some preschool work with him last year, but we did not have an official curriculum or even a real plan for what we were doing. Therefore, this is the first year that has some direction.

Homeschooling is an entirely new frontier for myself and my family. Both sides of our family have been schooled through public school. However, God has showed us through His Word and through other Christians the problems within the public school and has stressed the importance of the parents responsibility to raise their own children, not leaving that responsibility to the church or the government. (Interesting article on that here) Therefore, we have found that if we wish to raise our children in the fear and admonition of the Lord, we must not only be active in their upbringing, but we must control it and center it around God's Holy Word.

In light of the fact that this is brand new for us and I have always admired the idea of journalling, I have decided to create this blog to show my children, when they are older, the path which we took in their upbringing. Hopefully they can learn from their parents mistakes and capitalize on those things that worked. I have also made this available for other readers in hopes that other homeschoolers might read it and either offer sound advice for problems we encounter or gain encouragement for themselves. It is with great excitement and anticipation that we begin our journey. May the Lord be honored and glorified through the way we raise our children and instruct us on how to do that.